In order to begin, every Restorative Practices cohort must meet a diventity quotient. Diventity is a measure of the density of diversity in a cohort. Because the Restorative Practices model is a community-based neurodevelopmental model based on an equity framework, part of our explicit objective is to disrupt hegemonic structures and systemic oppressions. Because many of these structures operate in dominant society outside of our awareness, groups with insufficient diversity will often replicate these structures unwittingly. For this reason, in building cohorts, we consider the social locations of participants, and put together groups that contain individuals from different social locations. For those unfamiliar with the term, your social location is determined by your gender, race, social
class, age, ability, religion, sexual orientation, gender presentation, and geographic location. We recognize that these categories are often to some degree fluid, and we'll talk more about that in the group, but we'd like you to share aspects of your social location here. Please note that model is most focused on race, gender, and class, in that order.