A Trauma Healing Preparation Pathway

This is a pathway to inform and prepare your understanding about addressing trauma. Please note that trauma therapy really requires the skilled accompaniment of a professional practitioner. The purpose of this pathway is to help you, if you have experienced trauma (and part of our contention is that all modern people are traumatized), particularly if you are suffering from post-traumatic symptomology. While this may not provide comprehensive relief, our objective is to help you better understand your nervous system, and how it may be responding, so that you can more skilfully and compassionately take care of yourself, and seek more supportive care.

This pathway begins with three films. The first film is entitled Turning on Your Connection System, and explains several key concepts in healing and conceptualizing trauma, including 'The Evolved Nest', as well as explaining many facets of your stress response. This provides important background and framing for the conversation.

Turning on the Connection System

47 minutes

The second film is entitled The State of the Union (by which we mean the Union between the Mind and Body), and is really specifically about trauma, and the mind-body connection. It introduces the pioneering work of Dr. Vincent Felitti, MD, Co-Prinicipal Investigator of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: the largest epidemiological study of trauma ever conducted.

The State of the Union

31 minutes

The third film is our conversation with Dr. Vincent Felitti, MD. Please note that Dr. Felitti speaks very bluntly about sexual abuse, and other forms of trauma. If you are a victim of this kind of abuse, this may be triggering. Please make sure that you are able to discuss this film with a trusted accompanier or wellness professional.

Deviations from the Nest: The Origin and Implications of the Adverse Chilhood Experiences Study

61 minutes

Our goals so far in this pathway are to:

  • help you understand how your body responds to stress, and particularly overwhelming experiences
  • help you understand how your mind and body are connected in both wellbeing and illbeing
  • understand the importance of bringing together what the body knows with what the mind knows
  • understand that many symptoms, including addictions, smoking, obesity, and many others, are actually solutions (coping strategies) to deeper problems (trauma) that are often invisible to medicine and mental health
  • help you have more self-compassion for what you've done to survive the traumatic experiences you've been through