A Framework
Digesting Your Experience
{26 minutes}
Digesting Your Experience
It's often not just your food you are having trouble digesting.
Perhaps because of the materialist bent of modern culture, we think of the heart as a pump, and digestion as uniquely the process of breaking down food. And yet, the heart is not merely, or perhaps even principally a pump, although this biological action is certainly within its purview. The heart is an integrator of information: the felt center of feeling. And digestion breaks down more than simply food: it is what metabolizes our experience.
Sometimes, digestive difficulties are not a failure to simply metabolize our food, but an inability to metabolize our experiences. In this video we will explore what this means, and what we can do about it.
Related Practices:
If you are having trouble digesting traumatic experiences, go here: Trauma Healing. At the level of metabolizing emotion, related to Emotional Yoga. Related to Allow Yourself to Grieve. See Grief Tending. See Feel Your Feelings. See Working with Betrayal and Other Emotions You Don't Want to Feel. At the level of physical digestion, related to Cook for Yourself and Proper Nutrition, as well as Forage.Photography: Stein Egil Liland | Licensed from Pexels.com, used with permission.