{A Written Practice}
Land surfing?
First of all, there is something about being on wheels. And of course there are a variety of ways to do that, from bicycles to rollerskates...yet perhaps none of them have the grace of riding a longboard. Which is not, perhaps, what draws most people to skating. Maybe what draws most is the style of it, or the culture. Yet as a form of mobility, as a practice of balance, for finding a sense of freedom in motion, a skateboard is pretty appealing...
For whom would skateboarding be a useful restorative practice? Perhaps someone seeking a new way to move through the world, looking for a greater sense of flow. Someone who wants to be practicing balance, being in the body. Someone not afraid of falling down.
Related Practices:
Movement practices, such as Bicycling, and Rollerskating. As well as Qi gong and Stretching and Dance.Photography: | Licensed from, used with permission.