Building Peace
{60 minutes}
Peace Building
What it means to take up the mantle of soldiering for peace
In this film, originally recorded as part of the Global Resilience Summit, Spiritual leader, Surrealist painter, and Brasilian Capoeira master Pete Jackson explores the fundamental differences in worldview that arise from societies that understand Nature to be dominant to humans, versus those who believe humans are dominant to Nature. From this profound distinction emerge ancestral worldviews, on the one hand, that are cooperative, and encourage us to welcome the stranger, and the stranger within ourselves. These societies develop in ways that have rigorous rules for conflict resolution, and begin to view martial practice as a spiritual discipline: a gift from Nature that helps us learn to stay centered in the tumult of life. In these societies, martial practice and the military are in service to Life. On the other end of the continuum are societies that presume humans are dominant to Nature, and in turn exhibit aggression towards the stranger. From this view emerges domination, and the continuum of Empire, and a view of the martial and the military as an enterprise of extraction that seeks to obtain the spoils of war. Drawing on the work and military strategy of Sun Tzu, whose timeless classic The Art of War is still a de facto guide to military strategy, Pete explains how modern society has come to embody principles of this latter part of the continuum, how it operates as a construct of war, and how strategies of divide and conquer, useful to the elite maintenance of power and control, play out through various forms of domination in our society: principally caste, race, and gender. Pete's work and research suggest that external conflict arises because of a war within, and that if we are truly to know peace in the world, we have to learn to find peace inside and then work to build it around us. Only when we disarm ourselves will we be able to put down the weapons of words and war that keep us in perpetual conflict.
Related Practices:
For more on social constructs of war, see Dismantling the Construct of War. For more on understanding the domination paradigm, see the series that begins with Deprogramming the Colonial Mind. For more on welcoming the stranger, see Psychologies of Liberation. For more on race, see our film with Lee Mun Wah, An Unfinished Conversation about Race. See How Whiteness Operates. See Build Multi-cultural communities. See Build Friendships with People who are Different than You. See Healing Separation. See Exiting the Language of Domination. See Becoming a Real Human Being. See the Art & Science of Connection. See all kinds of meditation practices (Self-Compassion, Learn to Breathe), as well as down-regulation practices (Coming out of Freeze, Coming out of Fight, Coming out of Flight, 3 Steps: Assess, Down-Regulate, Connect), as well as Emotional Awareness practices (Emotional Yoga, Allow Yourself to Grieve, Feel Your Feelings). With respect to physical centeredness, see Secrets of Natural Movement, see Embodied Movement, see Dance, see Qi Gong. See Yoga. See Boxing, which is in part about learning to Set Clear Boundaries.Photography: | Licensed from, used with permission.