Do Something That Makes No Sense
{A Written Practice}
Do Something That Makes no sense
Like- You don't even know why you are doing this.
And I'm talking about with gusto. I'm talking about doing something that you know quite well doesn't make any sense. This could be dancing with a broom in the middle of the desert. It could be writing a story backwards. It could be taking up unicycling as a hobby (not to pick on unicycling). It could be arbitrarily changing the way you drive to work. Or picking your kids up from school in a clown suit. What are we getting at here? Something that your thinking mind finds absurd, possibly objectionable (not dangerous, not illegal, of course). We're talking about stripping power away from the hegemony of the mind. The key is finding something that doesn't make any sense to you. Maybe it is taking a day off of work for no reason. Maybe it is painting your mailbox blue. Have fun.
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