Tracking and the Arts of Life
{21 minutes}
Tracking and the Arts of Life
John Stokes was initially trained in hard-ground tracking by legendary Pitjantjatjara tracker Jimmy James while working at the Aboriginal Community College in 1981. Over the years he came to see with clarity that tracking was THE original human technology that could "cut through the Gordian knot of modern times." John's transformatively elegant proposal is that we have completely misunderstood what constitutes 'sophisticated' and what constitutes 'primitive.' As we begin to grasp this, our world begins to turn over.
Related Practices:
Tracking is a metativity in the Restorative Practices model: a meditation, a metaphor, and an activity. The lens of tracking can be applied internally, externally, and relationally to Self, Others, and the Living World. So tracking, as a lens, is related to most everything on the model. To explore primary branches moving out from the trunk of tracking, first with regard to nature awareness, see Tracking as Metativity, Pattern Language of Nature, Bird Language, Sit Spot, and Orienting to the Four Directions. See Building Ropes. For tracking in relationships, see Relational Mindfulness with Lee Mun Wah. See Reflective Listening. See Tracking Physiology (Polyvagally). For tracking in relationship to self-awareness, see Dream Tracking.Photography: Stein Egil Liland | Licensed from, used with permission.