Film Nine
Escaping the Prison of the Mind
{28 minutes}
Escaping the Prison of the Mind
To realize that you are a prison of your own mind is the dawn of wisdom.
–Nisargadatta Maharaj
The film above, with Earl Simms, walks us through a process of exploring how many of us become imprisoned by our own thinking, and the ways that we relate to ourselves, and our own experience. Violence Prevention expert Earl Simms served 22 years of a life sentence. About five years before his eventual release he discovered meditation, and began digging inside himself to figure out what had happened to him as a child that led him down a road to violence. As he began to understand and dismantle the rage, grief, and helplessness that had led him to seek affirmation through violence, first on the football field, and later through involvement with gangs, his heart began to heal, and he began to recover more and more of his humanity. While the prison Earl was in is more obvious than the prison many of us find ourselves in, his story is universal. As he notes in the film, he was in a prison inside himself long before he found himself locked up.
Related Practices:
See Becoming a Real Human Being. See the Art & Science of Connection. See all kinds of meditation practices (Self-Compassion, Learn to Breathe), as well as down-regulation practices (Coming out of Freeze, Coming out of Fight, Coming out of Flight, 3 Steps: Assess, Down-Regulate, Connect), as well as Emotional Awareness practices (Emotional Yoga, Allow Yourself to Grieve, Feel Your Feelings), as well as Connecting to Nature practices (Gardening, Sit Spot, Touch the Ground, Watch the Sunrise)Video: | Photography: | Licensed from, used with permission.