$400.00 / month
Sometimes groups are initiated by an individual who wants to bring together a group or team to experience this work collectively. At other times they assemble organically, as registrants sign up.
In either case, our communities of practices provide a structured space to engage with the Restorative Practices Deep Learning platform within a community. Over the course of our sessions, we will explore and deepen into the art and science of connection and the dismantling of alienation, domination, and separation. Sessions meet for 2.5 hours every two weeks. Between sessions, the entire community of practice will be assigned an educational film, and you will work individually with tailored restorative practices. You will also check-in with a peer learning partner between sessions.
We run communities of practice with different themes that are taught by different members of our faculty. We offer communities of practice that are:
Communities of Practice are well indicated for those who are interested in the art and science of deepening connection and relatedness, and are interested in focusing their attention on relationship beyond simply their own physiology. We will look at sociological, ecological, and cvilizational-level layers of disconnection and their healing and repair. Because much of the injury to relatedness that modern people experience comes from a breakdown of community, addressing and repairing this disconnection needs to happen in the context of community.
Typically, after being actively facilitated by our faculty, Communities of Practice continue in a self-guided fashion. Some of our Communities of Practice have been meeting for years. What we are often doing is catalyzing these communities, and helping to stand them up in a sustainable regenerative manner.
Once a Community of Practice is launched, and self-sustaining, we are often brought in to consult, or members of our faculty are brought in to present on particular topics of interest to the group.
If you'd like to start a community of practice, or inquire into what communities are enrolling, reach out to us at support@restorativepractices.com with "Communities of Practice" in the subject line.