We are alpha-testing (early stage testing) the prototype of a non-invasive autonomically-informed wellness diagnostic tool that profiles respiratory rhythm to measure Autonomic health.
Your Autonomic Nervous System is at the center of everyday stress and centered in stress-related disorders more broadly (chronic, toxic, traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, gastro-intestinal disease, PTSD, auto-immune illness, complex chronic illness, etc.) The Autonomic Nervous System is the neural architecture of the mindbody system, and the most potent leverage for taking charge of your wellbeing.
We are now testing the prototype of a health diagnostics tool that extracts autonomic signals from the respiratory rhythm. "The apparent simplicity of breathing belies a complex neural control system, the breathing center pattern generator (bCPG) that regulates gas exchange and coordinates breathing with a variety of behaviors." (Feldman et al., 2022) The outbreath reflects the autonomic modification of our physiology, while the inbreath effectuates this coordination on the body. Through measuring the rhythmicity of breath, we can extract very precise information about autonomic state and broad range of physiological parameters.
At present, we are alpha testing this prototype with select wellness practitioners. Requirements for use of the prototype include:
This tool is useful for wellness practitioners interested in applying an autonomic lens with patients and clients. It provides a metric of autonomic health. It can be used to help you, the practitioner, isolate specific neural exercises and interventions of benefit, as well as to track progress.
On registration, you will sign an NDA, and we will send you, via postal mail, a 24 x 36 inch calibration backdrop and instructions for setting up a space in your office to take respiratory profiling measurements. Measurements are taken supine (lying down). At this point in prototype development they are taken with a smartphone or laptop camera. Once your space is set up, we will spend ten minutes reviewing it with you by video to make sure it is correctly oriented, and reviewing the fine points of taking a measurement. When you are ready to take a measurement for a client, you will purchase a single reading, record a 2-minute video of their breathing pattern, and upload it to our servers. We will in turn analyze the breath pattern and send you a report.
Alpha-test our new wellness diagnostic tool that measures Autonomic health.
Please use this link to sign the required waiver.