Smile Inside
{A Written Practice}
Smile Inside
Turn on your inward lights.
There is a Chi Gong meditation practice of smiling internally between different parts of your body. In your meditation, begin by visualizing a smile arising on your face. Then direct this smile to your brain. Then place your attention in your brain and direct this smile all around your brain, from bottom to top, left to right, front to back. From your brain, smile down at your heart. From your heart, smile at all the different parts of your heart, then smile up at your brain. In your heart, imagine that your heart is the sun, smiling out in all directions. Smile throughout the body from your heart. Smile down on your intestines. From your intestines, smile at your intestines. Move the smile through your intestines, smiling. Imagine that your intestines are the earth, and from the earth smile up at the Sun, your heart.
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