A Brief Illustrated Guide to the Polyvagal Theory
{6 minutes}
A Brief Illustrated Guide to the Polyvagal Theory
Or, The Science of Safety
The Polvyagal Theory is the landmark theoretical work of Dr. Stephen Porges, PhD, the world's leading expert on the relationship between the Autonomic Nervous System and behavior. The film above will take you deeply into the theory, which you can conceptualize as a deep map of the human nervous sytem. In the words of Deb Dana, LCSW, author of the marvelous book The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, "When I teach Polyvagal Theory, I tell my clients that they are learning about the science of safety–the science of feeling safe enough to fall in love with life and take the risks of living."
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For a comprehensive deep-dive into The Polyvagal Theory, see our film of the same name. See Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory. To go deeper into understanding your Connection System, see Turning on the Connection System. For mind-body wellness considerations see Taking Charge of Your Own Wellness, Interoception, The Daisy Model of Regulation, and Turning Your Nervous System into Your Ally. For trauma healing, see Healing Trauma, and Deviations from the Nest: ACES. For evolutionary considerations, see The Evolved Nest. To consider the relationship between neural platform and ethics, see Triune Ethics Theory. For other Polyvagal perspectives, see A Polyvagal Perspective on Resilience, 3 Steps: Assess, Down-Regulate, Connect, Polyvagal Mapping, Core Neurobiological Self. To think about Polyvagal Theory in the context of relationships, see Healthy Relationships. For addressing particular nervous system states, see Coming out of Fight, Coming out of Flight, Coming out of Freeze, Calming Anxiety, Releasing Fear. See Embodied Movement, Learn to Set Clear Boundaries, Meditation, Sleep, Tracking Physiology, Ways of Knowing (Refining Intuition).Photography: Stein Egil Liland | Licensed from Pexels.com, used with permission.