Film Four
Deviations from the Nest: The Origin and Implications of the ACES study
{60 minutes}
Deviations from the Nest: The Origin and Implications of the ACES study
with Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Vincent Fellitti MD
TRIGGER WARNING: In this documentary interview with Dr. Vincent Felitti MD, Co-Principal Investigator of the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the largest epidemiological study of trauma ever conducted, he will speak directly about various kinds of Adverse Childhood Experiences, including contact sexual abuse. If your own personal trauma history includes Adverse Childhood Experiences (most people's does) we strongly encourage you to watch this with the accompaniment of a wellness professional as part of a therapeutic healing program.
Related Practices:
This practice is focused on exploring implications of the ACES study. Pro-actively addressing and healing traumatic exposures is one of the foundational objectives of this learning platform. In its origins, this practice is connected to The Origin Story. It explores what happens when we explores a relationship with your healing team based on Turning on the Connection System and Mutual Accompaniment. It is deeply connected to Building Ropes, as we think about creating relationships with a healing team. It is related to Turning Your Nervous System into Your Ally. It is related to the Relationship between Immunity and Stress. It is related to the Daisy Model of Regulation. See The Art & Science of Connection. See The Science of Safety.Video: | Photography: Adobe Stock | Licensed from, used with permission.