Film Two
The Evolved Nest
{30 minutes}
The Evolved Nest
with Dr. Darcia Narvaez, PhD
In this film with Dr. Narvaez, author of the astounding Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality, we explore why small band hunter gatherer groups are the baseline for human normalcy. Dr. Narvaez dives into the enormous question of 'What went wrong?' in modern society, which is leading to such profound unhappiness, anxiety, and distress for so many people, and the planet, and Dr. Narvaez explains her conceptualization of the Evolved Nest: an appropriate context for optimizing human flourishing.
Related Practices:
This practice is related to just about everything in the Restorative Practices model, and is the supplement to the film with which we begin our classes, Turning on the Connection System. It is deeply connected to The Origin Story. Its companion film is Triune Ethics Theory. It is deeply connected to Becoming a Real Human Being. It is deeply connected to Building Ropes, and to Tracking. It is deeply connected to 3 Steps: Assess, Down-Shift, and Connect. It is connected to Hacking Your Connection System. It is related to Turning Your Nervous System into Your Ally. It is related to the Relationship between Immunity and Stress. It is related to the Daisy Model of Regulation. See The Art & Science of Connection. See The Science of Safety. Dr. Narvaez, during the film, refers to the Sit Spot practice, to Cuddling, to Owl Ears, and to Grounding.Video: | Photography: Adobe Stock | Licensed from Adobe Stock, used with permission.